Ravioli Indomie

Ravioli Indomie

Ravioli Indomie

PREPARATION: Boil Indomie Instant Noodles and drain it in a bowl. Add yogurt, garlic, salt, and some drained Indomie juice in another bowl and make them into a sauce. Add olive oil, oils provided in the package, and onions to a pan. After the onion gets pink, add minced meat. Finally, add the tomato puree and take the pan from the stove. Melt the butter in the pan, add the hot spice provided in the package and mint, stir it a little and take it from the stove. Add the last spice provided in the package to Indomie and mix it. We put Indomies in a glass oven pan by folding it using a fork. Spread the mixture of minced meat on it, then spread the yogurt sauce on it, and pour butter on top. It's ready now! Enjoy your meal!


• 2 packs of Indomie Special Flavored Instant Noodles

• 200 gr of minced meat

• Half an onion

• 1 tablespoon of tomato puree

• 5 tablespoons of yogurt

• 2 cloves of garlic

• 1 tablespoon of butter

• 1 teaspoon of mint

• 2 tablespoons of olive oil