Meat Indomie

Meat Indomie

Meat Indomie

PREPARATION: Cook the meat in oil. After the meat is slightly cooked, add onion and peppers. After the peppers start to get softened, add the mushroom. Add one of the soy sauces provided in the packages to the sauteed meat and vegetables. Cook the Indomie Soy Sauce Flavored Instant Noodles and add the sauces provided in the package. Finally, mix the meat and Indomie, and put it on the serving plate. Enjoy your meal!


• 2 packs of Indomie Soy Sauce Flavored Instant Noodles

• 250 gr of beef

• 1 red capia pepper

• 1 green capia pepper

• Half an onion

• 5-6 mushrooms

• 2 tablespoons of olive oil