Tomato Indomie Soup

Tomato Indomie Soup

Tomato Indomie Soup

PREPARATION: Roast the onion in olive oil until it turns pink. Then, add pepper, garlic, tomato paste, and 3 glasses of water in sequence and cook until the water boils. Add Indomie Chicken Flavored Instant Noodles into the boiling water and continue cooking. Take the soup in a serving bowl and add the spices provided in the package, and our soup is ready after a little touch of adding parsley! Enjoy your meal!


• 2 packs of Indomie Chicken Flavored Instant Noodles

• Half an onion

• 3 tomatoes

• 1 pepper

• 1 clove of garlic

• 1 dessert spoon of tomato paste

• Parsley

• 3 tablespoons of olive oil