About Us

About Us

Founded by international investors with 100% foreign capital, ADKOTURK has been operating in Türkiye since 2010.

Indomie, which has been offering instant noodles in more than 106 countries in the world, opened its production facilities in Çerkezköy/Tekirdağ in 2014; thus, it is the first noodle production factory in Türkiye.

Indomie Instant Noodle, which has been introduced to the world in 1972, has the pride of being at the tables thanks to its suitable taste varieties for Turkish cuisine and young generations.

Indomie aims to be the best and unique by determining the needs and tendencies of consumers through field studies, having a professional team that can accurately analyze the data obtained, and providing advanced working environments. With the environment we have created for this purpose, we have been striving each passing day to be unique in the future while contributing to the development and progress of the Turkish economy.

ADKOTURK contributes to the National Capital thanks to its Domestic Production Certificate and raw materials procured from domestic suppliers.

Directing its operations following its development and growth policy, ADKOTURK continues to promote its products and delicious flavors by exporting them from Türkiye to neighboring countries. Thus, it will continue to be preferred as a leading organization in the food industry in the globalizing world.

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